What Would Jesus Say to Leelah Alcorn?

In my last blog, I wrote a response to a Christian Blogger who had posted a public response to my thoughts about Leelah Alcorn. This morning, I just wanted to add one quick thought.

What Would Jesus Say To Someone Like Leelah Alcorn?

Pastor Kell said it best.
Jesus would say every life matters. He would say,


We get so distracted by religion and judgement, we stop showing our love. It’s dangerous and deadly. And I can’t help but notice how the devil sure does look a lot like people.

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12 thoughts on “What Would Jesus Say to Leelah Alcorn?

  1. Pingback: An Open Letter to #TeamBossyGals | Uncommon Graces

  2. My dear Grace you have an amazing and beautiful voice I could listen to you sing all day.
    This really hit me in different ways. Thank you.


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